The Most Popular Types of Freelance Writing in 2023

The Most Popular Types of Freelance Writing in 2023

Zeljko Mancic


 min read

If you're interested in expanding your writing horizons and making a living off freelance writing, then you've come to the right place! Becoming a freelance writer can be a rewarding experience, offering creative autonomy and freedom of expression. 

While navigating the wild world of freelancing may seem daunting at first, with examples of freelance writing, diligent research, and some effort, it can quickly become second nature to you, especially if you know what type of work you want to do. To help you get started, we’ll discuss the two main types of freelance writing that are great for newbies — creative writing and technical writing.

What Is Freelance Writing?

Let's start by explaining what freelance writing is all about. The process involves creating written content for various clients and organizations. Examples of content writing include anything from blog posts, articles, website copies, newsletters, scripts for videos or podcasts, social media posts, and much more.

For freelance writers, no two days are the same. Their daily routine usually consists of researching topics for their clients, creating engaging and captivating content, proofreading and editing the text, and submitting their work when it's finished.

The types of clients can vary greatly in this industry. Such freelance jobs could include blog writing or producing a website copy for an individual or a small business owner. It could also be a large organization or corporation that is looking for a freelance writer to assist with its content strategy.

Whatever the task, freelance writers need to have excellent writing skills, deliver high-quality work at an efficient pace, and create content that resonates with their target audience. It's a challenging but rewarding job that allows individuals to use their creativity, build relationships, and hone their writing skills.

In a nutshell, freelance writing is an incredibly diverse profession that enables people to pursue their passion for writing while working from home or traveling around the globe. With so many opportunities, it's no wonder why more people are pursuing this career.

How Do I Write as a Freelance Writer?

The writing process can be both rewarding and challenging. Before you get started, it’s important to understand the basics of content writing — research, topic selection, planning, and execution. 

When researching for your project, make sure you do it thoroughly. Read books, articles written by other freelancers, and reviews about the topic. Look for expert opinions and interview those who can provide you with valuable insight. 

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to narrow down the topic you will be writing about. This is where brainstorming comes in — creating a list of ideas relevant to the task at hand. 

Next, plan the content you will write. For example, content writers need to map out what points they want to make and see how they will fit together. Consider structuring your text, whether that means creating bullet points or arranging it chronologically. This is also where any additional content, such as photos and videos, would go. 

And finally, it’s time to write! It's here that you bring everything together with words. Depending on what type of freelance writing you are doing, whether it’s a blog post, ad copy, product description, or something else, you need to use language that connects with the reader in a meaningful way.

How Do I Start Freelance Writing With No Experience?

If you have no experience with freelance writing, starting from scratch can be daunting. However, you shouldn’t worry because gaining these skills typically doesn’t take too much time. Here are some of the best practices for newbies:

1. Start writing now. Don't wait until you gain more experience or take a course. Start writing as soon as possible and create a portfolio of your work that you can use to attract clients.

2. Study your niche. To get ahead in freelance writing, you'll need to stay up-to-date with industry news, trends, and best practices. Follow blogs and publications related to your preferred niche, and take advantage of other resources like books and seminars.

3. Network. Networking is a key component to success in any industry. Start by connecting with people from the same niche on social media, attending events, and joining professional organizations. Not only will this help you learn more about the craft, but it will also allow you to establish relationships with potential clients.

4. Promote yourself. Once you've created writing samples for your freelance portfolio and engaged in networking, start promoting yourself by distributing samples of your work to potential employers. Create a website or a blog dedicated to your writing, use social media to showcase your work, and look for opportunities to guest post on other websites.

5. Find clients. Once you've laid the foundation, it's time to start looking for clients. Look for job listings on freelance writing websites like Upwork or Freelancer, contact companies directly, or use online platforms like LinkedIn to find leads.

By following these practices and studying some examples online, you can get started as a freelance writer in no time, even if you have no experience. You can count on success with a little dedication and the right attitude.

Types and Examples of Freelance Writing

Now that you know the basics about freelancers and their work, we can mention a couple of freelance writing examples. Generally speaking, freelance writing can be divided into two main categories: creative writing and technical writing, so let’s take a closer look at what these two entail. 

Creative Writing

Creative writing is a type of freelance work where you get to express yourself through the written word. With it, you can create content for websites, books, magazines, newspapers, and more. You have complete control over what topics you write about and when you do so.

To be successful at freelance creative writing, you need to present your topic in an engaging manner that stands out from other content. While it may sound relatively easy to write freelance articles or blog posts, don't let anyone fool you into believing that good writing comes naturally. Success takes dedication, research, time, practice, patience, and effort. Additionally, you must be capable of editing long pieces of work to avoid repetitiveness or monotonous passages.

When it comes to working conditions for freelance creative writers, each project differs significantly in its requirements, deadlines, and expected quality. As such, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to estimating how long freelance writing tasks take. However, bear in mind that punctuality is a must since employers will likely stress the importance of adhering to deadlines.

Technical Writing

In essence, freelance technical writing involves researching and creating content that covers a wide range of technology-related topics. Examples include everything from software manuals and product reviews to informational articles about AI or cryptocurrency trends. As a freelancer, you might also have to write all sorts of articles, blog posts, white papers, website copy, press releases, and even documentation for programming languages. 

The most successful freelance technical writers possess both strong research skills and comprehensive knowledge of the particular technology topic they are working on (often acquired through practice or continued education). 

They should also have excellent written communication skills so they can put together clear instructions or explanations that their readers can understand. Additionally, being familiar with the latest industry developments will give any freelancer a significant advantage over competitors when pitching their services online or via other channels. 


While freelance writing can be a great way to make some extra money, it is important to understand what you are getting into before you start. Even though we’ve mentioned only two examples of freelance writing, you will find many other types, each with its own set of challenges and benefits. Do your research and make sure you are prepared for the type of writing you want to do before you get started. With a little planning and preparation, freelance writing can be a great way to earn some extra cash.

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