Examples of Content Writing — How to Write Top-Ranked Articles

Examples of Content Writing — How to Write Top-Ranked Articles

Milica Živić


 min read

Creating content that's interesting or informative isn't always easy. It is not uncommon to spend hours crafting the perfect article only to watch rankings drop because of a tiny mistake. So, how do you ensure your content resonates with readers and ranks high for relevant keywords? 

This writing guide will explore several examples of content writing strategies that will help you create top-ranked articles every time!

How Do I Start as a Content Writer?

Content writing is a great way to express yourself and share your ideas with the world. The process can be rewarding and challenging at the same time. If you have the drive and dedication, then your content writing examples will speak for themselves.

The first step in becoming a content writer is determining what type of content you’re interested in creating. Are you looking to write blog posts, create social media content, or do something completely different? Figuring this out will give you a better idea of what topics to focus on and which content writing samples to use as you brainstorm.

After you get an idea of the type of content you’d like to create, it’s time to hone your writing skills. This can include researching the topics that interest you, improving your grammar and punctuation, and becoming more knowledgeable about the industry. You should also consider taking a course or joining a writer's group to get feedback from professionals.

Once you get into the content writing niche, start promoting your samples of content writing and building an audience. Join relevant social media groups, submit guest posts, or create a website or a blog. These methods will expose your content to the right people and help you gain a following.

It may take time to hone your skills and build an audience, but if you are committed enough to make it happen, success won’t slip away.

What Are the Content Writing Topics?

When it comes to content writing, there are so many topics to choose from since it is used across various industries and for many different purposes. The possibilities are endless, whether you’re creating blog posts, articles, or social media content. The key is to find a subject matter that resonates with your audience and meets their needs. 

Here are some examples of content writing topics:

  • Blog posts
  • Articles
  • Web pages
  • Press releases
  • Product descriptions
  • Marketing materials
  • Social media posts 

How Do Beginners Write Content?

Content writing can be daunting, especially for those with limited experience. But there are some tips that beginners can use to help them get started and create interesting and high-quality content.

First, ensure you understand the subject you're writing about. It's also helpful to have some knowledge of your target audience so that you can tailor your content to their needs. 

Doing research and reading up on topics relevant to your subject is a great way to gain background information about it. Content writing samples for beginners may also be helpful at this point.

Next, it's important to create an outline of your article. Having a plan can help you stay organized and ensure your content is cohesive. It's also a good idea to write an attention-grabbing introduction. Feel free to use an interesting anecdote or quote, something catchy or thought-provoking that will intrigue your readers.

Finally, proofread your article for grammar, spelling, and other errors. You should double-check your facts and sources to make sure they are accurate. This is especially true if you're citing or quoting something from another author.

How to Find Good Examples of Content Writing in Digital Marketing

To find good examples of content writing in digital marketing, you should look at the industry’s top names. Study their blog posts, websites, social media updates, and other online materials to see what works well. Also, consider reading case studies from companies that have found success with their content strategies.

Another good idea is to look for digital marketing industry experts who create engaging and helpful content. Subscribe to their newsletters or follow them on social media to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Consider reaching out to them for advice and tips on creating the best content for your business. They will likely have valuable insights that you can apply to your projects.

If all this sounds too much for you, simply google “top content writing samples in English” or any other language you will be using. For instance, content writers who target the Indian subcontinent can look for examples of content writing in Hindi to get an idea of what their target audience prefers. These steps will help you learn from the successes and mistakes of others, and you’ll also gain valuable knowledge from industry experts.

How to Create a Good Content Writing Portfolio

Creating a good content writing portfolio isn't easy, but it's certainly doable. It will take time and effort to build a portfolio that reflects your writing style and skill level. 

Here are a few tips for creating great examples of content writing portfolios:

  1. Start by compiling your best works — This could include blog posts, articles, and social media posts. Make sure to pick the pieces that highlight your strengths as a writer.
  2. Include different types of marketing content writing examples — If you can, try to provide samples from multiple industries or topics so potential clients can see how versatile your writing skills are.
  3. Showcase your personality in your portfolio — Adding a few friendly touches, such as an “About Me” section or a short bio, will help clients get to know you better and connect with your writing.
  4. Proofread everything before you submit it — Nothing damages a content writer's reputation more than typos or grammar mistakes in their portfolio.
  5. Link other websites or documents in your portfolio — Link your previous works, recommendations, or reviews on external blogs or websites. Having outside validation can give your portfolio an edge over the competition.
  6. Organize your portfolio into sections by specific topics or writing styles — Help potential clients navigate your portfolio quickly and easily so they can find relevant content.
  7. Display any awards, certifications, or other acknowledgments — Having these credentials listed on a single page will make them more accessible and will impress potential clients.

Don’t forget that you can always revise and improve your writing portfolio as you gain more experience. Keep it updated regularly with new web writing examples so customers can locate your latest projects without too much digging.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to content writing, there are a few key elements you need to consider. The tone of your content should be engaging and informative, and optimized for search engines so that potential customers can find it quickly. 

You can also use images and multimedia where appropriate to bring your content to life, but before you put in any work, read some good examples of content writing, as these pieces can help you understand the very essence of the industry.

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