How to Explain Content Marketing ROI to Stakeholders

How to Explain Content Marketing ROI to Stakeholders

Milica Živić


 min read

Content marketing ROI is a metric that demonstrates how successful your strategy has been. It measures the amount of money you’ve made from the creation and distribution of content in relation to the time and resources invested. Yet, in some situations, explaining this concept can be challenging since it's not always easy to track its effects directly. 

Luckily, with just a few simple steps, you'll be able to make a great impression on potential investors or current shareholders while demonstrating that allocating resources toward content production is always a good idea. Read on to discover our top tips for breaking down this complex subject.

How Do You Define Content Marketing ROI?

ROI stands for Return On Investment. As you can see, the ROI of content marketing measures how effectively a business has been using its content to generate revenue. In other words, these numbers show the profit you’ve made from investing in content creation and promotion. It also tells you how successful your content strategy is at driving sales, leads, and other customer conversions. 

Essentially, ROI from content marketing can help businesses understand their customers better and decide how to create content that will allow them to reach and engage their desired audiences. It can also assist businesses in figuring out the best ways to promote their content so that they get the maximum return on their investment.

How Do You Calculate ROI for a Content Marketing Campaign?

An important part of determining the success of any content marketing campaign is calculating its ROI. To do this, you need to estimate how much money the company has spent on creating and promoting its content and divide it by the profits generated from it. This will give you an idea of whether or not your investment is paying off.

For precise calculations, you must also consider other expenses associated with producing and promoting the content, such as the time spent creating it or the money invested in digital marketing campaigns. Once all of these factors have been taken into account, the total can be divided by the overall cost of the campaign to determine the accurate ROI.

As with any marketing initiative, it is important to measure and track your content marketing efforts and analyze the data over time to ensure your strategies are successful and cost-effective. Content marketing ROI statistics will help you make informed decisions about allocating your resources and ensure you get the best return for your content investment.

How to Explain Content Marketing ROI to Stakeholders in an Organization

Explaining the concept of ROI from content marketing to stakeholders in an organization is crucial if you want them to support your content strategy initiatives and invest in them. The easiest way to do this is by providing specific examples of the value this content brings to the company. These can include website traffic, engagement metrics (e.g., shares, views), lead generation, click-throughs, and other vital points.

It is imperative to show them how the ROI of content marketing is connected to the overall goals of the business. For example, if your organization's objective is to increase brand awareness, you should explain that content can increase website visits and keep customers entertained. 

You may also want to discuss how each metric is tracked — for instance, you can include website visits or engagement rates on social media in your presentation. Moreover, make sure you are prepared to answer questions about the types of content driving these metrics.

Last but not least, stakeholders need to be reminded that ROI from content marketing is not a one-time measurement. It needs to be regularly monitored and adjusted based on changing trends and goals. This means that you should make sure stakeholders are aware of how often they need to review the data and make changes to the content strategy.

Potential Challenges

The challenge with explaining ROI for content marketing is that this campaign can take time to deliver results. That’s why it’s essential to focus on the long-term benefits of content marketing and make it clear that investing now can pay off in the future, as it will help the company build brand awareness and establish trust with customers.

Finally, you should always be open to feedback from stakeholders and willing to adjust the content marketing strategy accordingly. This will help establish trust between you and them and secure their support for future projects.

What Is a Good ROI for Content Marketing?

According to content marketing ROI statistics, this is an effective way to drive ROI and build meaningful relationships with potential customers. A good example of a successful content marketing-led ROI strategy comes from Airbnb’s “Don’t Go There, Live There” campaign in 2018. Namely, the company created content that highlighted the benefits of traveling with Airbnb (from unique experiences to affordability) and used it as a part of its larger marketing strategy. 

The result was an impressive ROI — the company saw an 87% increase in bookings from the targeted audience, with more than $2 million in revenue generated from the campaign. This demonstrates how effective content can be when used correctly as part of a broader marketing strategy. 

By understanding your audience, creating content that resonates with them, and delivering it to the right people at the right time, you can create meaningful connections with potential customers and drive a fantastic ROI for your business.

Final Thoughts

Calculating and explaining your content marketing ROI doesn’t have to be rocket science. Namely, if you manage to break down your costs and identify what goes into generating leads, you will be able to paint a picture for stakeholders that will make the value of content marketing abundantly clear. Once you can prove that your efforts are driving tangible results, it will be easier to secure a sizable content marketing budget for future initiatives.

Need professional help with explaining the potential return on investment into content marketing to your clients? Feel free to reach out to us, and we’ll help you out by convincing your partners they need a content marketing strategy today.

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