Best Content Marketing Podcasts in 2023

Best Content Marketing Podcasts in 2023

Jovana Ristić


 min read

Content marketing has become a vital component of any successful marketing strategy. However, it is a constantly evolving field, which can make it challenging to stay current with the latest trends. You must be in the loop if you want to create engaging content, reach your target audience, and stay on top of trending marketing strategies.

One of the best ways to stay ahead of the curve is to learn directly from successful entrepreneurs and content marketing experts. In this article, we’ll highlight some of the best content marketing podcasts which discuss the most up-to-date content marketing strategies and help you develop and expand your business.

Why Should You Follow/Listen to Content Marketing Podcasts?

The content marketing landscape is constantly changing, so the practices you use today may quickly become obsolete and be replaced with new and innovative ones. Because of that, you must follow the development of the industry and learn from the best of the best.

This is where content marketing podcasts come in. They are an excellent source of education, letting you in on the latest trends in content marketing. With a content marketing podcast, you can learn about various topics, such as content strategy, engaging content, SEO, social media marketing, and even the best practices to promote your own podcast online.

These podcasts often feature industry experts as guests, sharing their priceless insights and know-how. You can also listen to success stories and learn about the experiences of famous business people, which can serve as a source of inspiration.

In addition to offering valuable knowledge, content marketing podcasts are the most convenient way to learn. You can listen to them while commuting to work, working out, running errands, or driving.

How/Where to Find Suitable Content Marketing Podcasts for You?

The field of content marketing is broad and popular. Therefore, the number of podcasts discussing it is vast, which can be overwhelming. If you’re looking for the best content marketing podcasts 2023, you’ll have to roll up your sleeves and do some research. Here are our top tips for finding what you’re looking for:

  • Know the “why” — Consider what you want in a digital marketing podcast. Do you hope to learn about the newest industry trends, improve your skills, or simply get some inspiration for new content?
  • Look at popular podcast directories — Once you identify what you’re looking for, check out famous podcast directories like Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or TuneIn. They offer various podcasts, which you can filter by topic, keyword, or category.
  • Read listener reviews — To choose the best content marketing podcast for you, it’s a good idea to see what other people have to say. Listener reviews can help you gauge a podcast’s quality, the topics discussed, and its overall value.

Best Content Marketing Podcasts for 2023

Searching the internet for the best content marketing podcast can be exhausting and time-consuming. Therefore, we’ve done the research for you, investigating dozens of podcast content marketing examples. In this section, we present you the best podcasts we could find, so you can be sure they’re worth your time.

Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast

Online Marketing Made Easy is a content creator podcast hosted by Amy Porterfield. Amy is the CEO of a multi-million dollar business who used to work 9 to 5. She has over a decade of experience in teaching online business owners about content marketing. Her marketing courses, podcasts, and social media channels have helped over 250,000 entrepreneurs.

The podcast is convenient and easy to follow, as Porterfield breaks down the topics and strategies into simple steps you can apply immediately. In her episodes, she covers various topics, including social media marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, conversion optimization, and much more.

In addition to sharing her knowledge and experience, Porterfield invites industry experts and other successful business owners to her content strategy podcast. Two of the most notable include John Lee Dumas from Entrepreneurs on Fire and Rick Mulready — an expert in online advertising.


  • Well-established content marketing podcast
  • Topics broken down into easy-to-follow steps
  • Content marketing covered from different angles
  • Inspiring content
  • Conversations with industry experts and successful entrepreneurs


  • No notable cons

The Long Game Podcast

The Long Game is one of the best content marketing podcasts. It is hosted by Allie Decker, Alex Birkett, and David Khim — the founders of Omniscient Digital. As the name of the podcast suggests, it focuses on long-term strategies in content marketing.

The hosts interview digital marketing experts, discussing topics like conversion optimization, building content teams, and freelance writing. Birkett, Decker, and Khim focus on the principles and frameworks behind the interviewee’s approach to their business, revealing the hidden patterns of a successful mindset.

In addition to the interviews, the podcast also features the Kitchen Side series. In this series, the hosts have conversations with each other about various topics and ideas related to content marketing.


  • In-depth interviews with content marketing experts
  • Focused on long-term goals rather than short-term strategies
  • Available on major streaming platforms
  • Covers a variety of topics


  • Long-from interviews may not suit everyone

The CMO Podcast With Jim Stengel

There’s no better way to learn about content marketing than directly from the Chief Marketing Officer of one of the most well-known corporations in the world. Jim Stengel, the host of The CMO Podcast, is a former Procter & Gamble CMO turned entrepreneur. He talks to CMOs from different parts of the industry in his podcast.

Not only does the podcast cover the latest trends in content marketing, but it also explores how industry experts think and what motivates them. It is one of the best digital marketing podcasts you can follow to increase your knowledge and develop the mindset needed for success.

New episodes of Stengel’s in-depth interviews with marketing experts come out every week. The podcast is available on multiple streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts,, and ListenNotes.


  • Host with a successful and inspiring career
  • In-depth conversations with content marketing experts
  • Weekly episodes
  • Available via multiple platforms


  • No notable cons


There you have it — the best content marketing podcasts you can follow and listen to now. Don’t miss a chance to subscribe to these fantastic channels, as the knowledge and insights they share can be invaluable for your business.

These podcasts let you learn about the latest trends and innovative strategies you can use in your content marketing. In addition to that, they also let you pick the brains of the most popular and successful entrepreneurs and industry experts, helping you develop the right business mindset.


What are some of the best content marketing podcasts?

Some of the best content marketing podcasts include Online Marketing Made Easy, The Long Game, and the CMO Podcast.

What are the benefits of listening to content marketing podcasts?

Content marketing podcasts help you learn industry secrets, saving time and money. Besides, podcasts allow you to stay on top of the latest developments in content marketing, helping you reach more people and increase conversions.

What makes a content marketing podcast successful?

For a content marketing podcast to be successful, it needs to have a reputable host and offer value to the listener. The best content marketing podcasts are hosted by industry experts who talk to other industry experts about the best marketing and business strategies, industry trends and thought processes behind their actions.

How often should I listen to content marketing podcasts?

It depends on your needs and the amount of free time you have. Preferably, you would listen to a podcast as often as possible because of the fast-changing nature of the content marketing game.

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